
let rbe oer 400

LET, RBE and OER (Oh My!). Radiologic Technologists Guide to 3 Radiation Biology Terms.

LET (Linear Energy Transfer), RBE (Relative Biological Effectiveness) and OER (Oxygen Enhancement Ratio) are important terms in radiation biology and relate to the relative damage that will occur with radiation under different circumstances. As LET increases there are more energetic electrons deposited closely together and thus damage to DNA is more likely. Therefore, even with […]

LET, RBE and OER (Oh My!). Radiologic Technologists Guide to 3 Radiation Biology Terms. Read More »

radiologyHistory 400

Illustrated History of Radiology (X-Ray, CT, PET, MRI, Ultrasound)

In this post we present a brief history of Radiology equipment focusing on the major developments which lead to x-ray Radiography, CT, SPECT, PET and Ultrasound imaging. 1880 Piezo-electric effect discovered Ultrasound Predecessor French physict brothers Piere and Paul-Jacques Curie discovered that when pressure is put on certain crystals that electricity comes out. This effect

Illustrated History of Radiology (X-Ray, CT, PET, MRI, Ultrasound) Read More »

radiography History 400

Illustrated History of X-ray Radiography (Fluoroscopy, mammography, cath lab, etc.) for Radiologic Technologists

Highlights of X-ray radiology from the discovery of x-rays through its multiple uses including: radiography, fluoroscopy, mammography, cardiac catherization, digital subtraction angiography, and bone densitometry. 1875 Crookes Cathode Ray Tube Invented Modern X-ray Tube Predecessor The cathode ray tube was invented by English physicist William Crookes before scientists had discovered x-rays or electrons.  After later

Illustrated History of X-ray Radiography (Fluoroscopy, mammography, cath lab, etc.) for Radiologic Technologists Read More »

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